Category Archives: Inspirational People

Learning By Doing

Many of us believe we are living that Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times”. Hands-on learning is powerful, and I think I have a great example of a person who is learning at an accelerated rate due to … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, In The News, Inspirational People | 1 Comment

Developing Instructions to use a Toaster

One of the more brilliant technical works I have ever read was authored by Forrest Mims, but I’m not sure if there’s even a hand full of people that really know why they are such great works. My summary of … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, Inspirational People | 3 Comments

David Edgington R.I.P.

How is it you learn of the Men who have the Answers? If you ask enough questions, if you are tenacious in your pursuit, you’ll likely find Men like David Edgington. David has passed away this May 22, 2016; we … Continue reading

Posted in Announcements, Engines, In The News, Inspirational People, Slow Speed Engines, UtterPower Articles | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

My latest field trip, remote places in Alaska.

17 years of intensive study of Alternative Power Production has made me a skeptic in so many ways. It’s not that there isn’t good equipment and decent investments, it’s that there are so many people who would sell you the wrong thing … Continue reading

Posted in Building Design, Critical Thinking, Inspirational People, Off Grid Power, Things I like | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Jerry Bartlett (Crazy Jerry) top honors in Mileage contest.

If you are a friend of Utterpower, you’ve heard the name Jerry Bartlett more than once. Jerry recently shared with me that he was making good progress in getting a car ready for a high mileage contest and the results … Continue reading

Posted in Building Design, Critical Thinking, DIYer Skills, Earth & Energy, In The News, Inspirational People, Small Diesels, Things I like, Vehicle Design | Tagged | 1 Comment

Forrest Mims, one of my favorite writers.

Here’s a link, lots of fun listening to Forrest talk about the early days. As I once wrote, Forrest is the best technical writer I know, reading his books is like pouring knowledge directly into your brain. He’s changed more lives than … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, DIYer Skills, Inspirational People, Things I like | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Muse of the day 10-13: My School Bank Account

  Some of the greatest gifts given to me were given when I was very young. How many remember having their own bank account in the 1950s?  The wisdom of our elders who knew the importance of teaching us about … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, DIYer Skills, Inspirational People, UtterPower Articles | Tagged , | 1 Comment

44 Mosfets, or I had lunch with an old friend. 6-29-13

I write this late, it’s closing on Sunday morning, today I met up with a long time friend, an EE who entered the work force shortly prior to the Intel 8080A, and perhaps one of the first fun Jobs he … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, Inspirational People, Strange Stuff | Tagged , | 2 Comments