Category Archives: In The News

Learning By Doing

Many of us believe we are living that Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times”. Hands-on learning is powerful, and I think I have a great example of a person who is learning at an accelerated rate due to … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, In The News, Inspirational People | 1 Comment

Why Meshtastic? It can tie everything together.

Some projects force you to learn, and Meshtastic is one of them. Whether you live further out or in the city, you can be left without communication when things go wrong. Meshtastic is a mesh network that can be used … Continue reading

Posted in In The News, Projects, Survival Skills | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Is It Time To Analyze Crossover Sales?

The Crossover fad appears to be in full swing, and it seems that every Mom wants one, or something even larger? They sit higher, some have the 4WD option, and many are sold in areas where it will never snow.  Many … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, Engines, In The News, Vehicle Design | 7 Comments

It’s a brand new day, but almost exactly like days of the past.

Will this activity create a new business for you? Oh the shock, oh the Horror of it all! I’ve actually heard people say they’d leave the country. Personally, I’m beginning to think that Washington DC is making every effort to take … Continue reading

Posted in In The News, Strange Stuff, Survival Skills | Tagged | 7 Comments

David Edgington R.I.P.

How is it you learn of the Men who have the Answers? If you ask enough questions, if you are tenacious in your pursuit, you’ll likely find Men like David Edgington. David has passed away this May 22, 2016; we … Continue reading

Posted in Announcements, Engines, In The News, Inspirational People, Slow Speed Engines, UtterPower Articles | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

An Important Question: Will western people learn anything from South Africa?

An important read: After you read this article, consider asking your friends if they know what’s going on in South Africa? What will we learn? I think the answer is nothing. One party unchecked… could it happen here? Maybe … Continue reading

Posted in In The News | 1 Comment

A new ruling worth a note?

Seattle Washington is ripe with Liberal thought, it is the tail that wags the whole dog here. A new ruling is worth a note? See the link below.  Now answer the question. If a Judge EVER accepts their argument, should he … Continue reading

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Today’s Challenge. Make sense out of this post.

Is there a more  honest environment to compare equipment and to access it’s value than an off grid site? I think the only challenge is the making of a complete inventory of your efforts and materials so you can know … Continue reading

Posted in In The News | Tagged | 9 Comments

“All are equal, but some Pigs are more equal”

  In a company far far away and in a past time: I remember a room full of brand new servers, VME buses, CPUs clocked for warp speeds, and perhaps the coolest front panels in the Galaxy. But there they … Continue reading

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It really is too bad that DIYers are one percenters, it’s leaves the other 99% gullible?

As per the small boats in Iran Only Josh Ernest would pedal this horseshit, and I do hope he wakes up in hell one day… And for goodness sake, start correcting your friends, It’s not Iran, it’s not the Iranians! … Continue reading

Posted in In The News | 5 Comments