Category Archives: Critical Thinking

Learning By Doing

Many of us believe we are living that Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times”. Hands-on learning is powerful, and I think I have a great example of a person who is learning at an accelerated rate due to … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, In The News, Inspirational People | 1 Comment

A note on developing products, even simple ones.

Lesson Learned As I write, I recall making a tool to pull tappet guides in Lister Clones, some of the Erectors would hammer them in with very tight clearances, so I designed a “Tappet Jack” to help pull them.  After … Continue reading

Posted in Buyer Beware, Critical Thinking | Tagged , , | 6 Comments


When there is no rule of law, all remedies lay outside the law? Is QAnon covering for the Left? Can you imagine a better way to placate your political enemies than telling them every week for four long years that … Continue reading

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The Critical Importance of Quality.

And who may never understand the requirement? India? If you have been watching Boeing, there’s plenty of food for thought, and it does cause me to reflect on a few things I’ve studied for years, things the typical western mind … Continue reading

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Is It Time To Analyze Crossover Sales?

The Crossover fad appears to be in full swing, and it seems that every Mom wants one, or something even larger? They sit higher, some have the 4WD option, and many are sold in areas where it will never snow.  Many … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, Engines, In The News, Vehicle Design | 7 Comments

There is a new trend underway!

This post is short and sweet, Big Oil has been under attack for some time and has been looking for a cost-effective insurance policy and a way they may become better accepted by the Social Justice Warriors? Yes, Big Oil and … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking | 28 Comments

Developing Instructions to use a Toaster

One of the more brilliant technical works I have ever read was authored by Forrest Mims, but I’m not sure if there’s even a hand full of people that really know why they are such great works. My summary of … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking, Inspirational People | 3 Comments

I don’t get why they don’t get it!

As I watched Bernie, the other night, I listened to the applause when he mentioned healthcare was a right for all people. I wondered, why not food, as you have no health without it? But why not shelter, as you … Continue reading

Posted in Critical Thinking | Tagged | 16 Comments

A must read for the Engineer? I think so… “Unsafe by Design”

           Are you interested in Engineering?  Do you judge a book by its cover? Most who frequent this blog have seen some real failures in engineering, at times we simply can’t grasp how it was allowed to … Continue reading

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Witch Doctors

Yes, you can keep your Witch Doctor, but the fees he charges are near incomprehensible.   For all of human history Witch Doctors scheme and draft stories of our demise.. and reasons you need pay them for protection or a cure. But … Continue reading

Posted in Buyer Beware, Critical Thinking, Fighting Propaganda, The New Green Movement | Tagged | Leave a comment