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Category Archives: Buyer Beware
Today’s Musings
Who will you trust? Might I remind you? You’re a DIYer, and you’ve been doing it for a reason! You’ve learned that others normally charge you a high markup only to screw up the stuff they do for you! You can’t … Continue reading
Posted in Buyer Beware, Critical Thinking, Gravity, Inspirational People
The other Women in my life, Ayn Rand and Ileana Johnson Paugh.
I doubt there will ever be a review of the underground utilities in the areas most affected by the storm on the east coast, and what wasn’t properly maintained. Much of the oversee is the PUC who often have communist … Continue reading
Zach Asks: Is your generator ready for winter?
Zach Says, Our Standby Generator is AOK, it ran for 50 hours last year, and now with my Sister Ava, it’s nice to know we can make a few KW to run the fan in the gas furnace, run the … Continue reading
Email of the day….11/12/12
From an older guy who’s done a lot of living already.. Hi George I read your November 8th post again. I looked up Evan Sayett and watched his “Understanding How Modern Liberals Think” video—well worth 48 minutes of my time. … Continue reading
Posted in Buyer Beware, Critical Thinking, DIYer Skills, Survival Skills
Tagged Monckton, Paugh, Sayett
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Stocks Surge in DIYer Skills!
If you have invested in developing your skills and tools to do the job, you need feel secure in your investment! While others have invested fully in the false promise of security, you have something than no one can take from you.. and … Continue reading
Posted in Buyer Beware, Critical Thinking, Gravity, In The News, Inspirational People, UtterPower Articles
Tagged DIYer Freedom
Current Events, Agenda 21, a Guide for our Children?
Amazon Books… Is this the better place to learn which way the wind blows? We know of people who sift through the past in an attempt to understand how a civilization met its demise and why. But how many study how … Continue reading
Posted in Buyer Beware, Critical Thinking, In The News, Survival Skills
DIYer, Critical thinking, and a must read..
I bring this topic up quite a bit, and I do think that the experience we gain with ‘hands on’ does cause us to experience the consequences of NOT thinking! Can’t we all recall that last big mistake we made? … Continue reading
Posted in Buyer Beware, Critical Thinking, Fighting Propaganda, Survival Skills
Tagged Emotional Voters
Chinese Horizontal Engine Failure
Yes.. some of you had given up on hearing about what actually caused that failure of a Chinese Horizontal in Fiji? Our friend and fellow DIYer Noel Douglas had been focused on other tasks, and was finally able to inspect those bushings, and … Continue reading
Posted in Buyer Beware, DIYer Generator, Test Bench, Utterpower's Friends
Tagged Chinese Horizontals, Failures, Noel Douglas
QE3, did you ever imagine?
As the outside world looks in, what do they think? I’m pretty sure I have the answer, the majority don’t spend more than a second thinking about QE3, because they don’t understand how connected they are to it. Understanding QE3 is easy. … Continue reading
A Great Scam from Down Under
It’s one thing to sell snake oil, but when your own Government promotes it? Well, that happens here often.. but this story comes from Australia, and it’s a good one Thanks for sharing Keef! Do remember, if an additive extends … Continue reading