The Chinese Engine Parts Connection (Lee and David)

Order Chinese Parts

If you’ve been following the Slower Speed Chinese Diesels for as long as I have been, you’ve seen engine sales come and go, but ordering parts for what you have…  has NOT been all that easy.   There’s been a few dealers who have made a sincere effort to stock parts, but this doesn’t always prove easy to do and for a number of reasons.

Without getting into a long story about the complications, I’ll just tell you that Lee and David, (two DIYers) who speak the mainstream Chinese languages fluently, and who were  educated in the West have decided to supply parts via mail order to North America and other English Speaking Countries, they too are focused on the DIYer as their Customer.  Yes, we do know Ozzies and Tassies don’t really speak English so much, but they are most welcome to order too.

Here’s how it works.

Lee and David are very active in researching QC methods and identifying the better vendors. This is a work in progress, and this page will likely be amended to reflect the direction.  I have seen a lot of things posted on the internet regarding the pros and cons of dealing with a manufacturer VS dealing with an independent entity.  I doubt I’ll forget the email written by a most ethical Chinese trader around Y2K.. she wrote back to a Dealer here in NA and said.. “The last people who order this engine has ‘many moans’, they are not made right yet, and you need to buy a different one.” I’m pretty sure the Manufacturer would not have warned him..

Paypal is the conduit for payment, it is best that you have the parts manual, and look up the number of the part you need. Lee and David want to make every effort possible to cut down on communications problems, and assure you get what you ordered.

Lee and David will support the Chinese Horizontals, ST Generator Heads, the Yanmar Clones and more.

They understand us, because they are one of us 🙂 They are DIYers! These are the kind of guys you’d bring home, and show your favorite junk to 🙂

Some of you may know Quinn Farnes, a great DIYer.. he volunteered to test the delivery of a new injection pump for a 175.. (he needed one) if it had been an Apple Pie, it would have arrived in Quinn’s hands still warm!

One of my Canadian Friends said Lee and David did everything humanly possible to make sure his order was filled with the best engines and parts available… life is too short to deal with junk, and so many have learned that there is no profit in selling junk.

As an example of what normally stops a DIYer in his tracks are small and simple things like Head Gaskets, injector nozzles, injection rebuilt kits, high pressure lines, maybe even a new oil pump, these can all be ordered at affordable prices, and you need not wait long to get the part if you have an engine out of service and need it back on the job fast.

Contact Lee at:

Scroll down, easy to leave constructive comments here, this is a work in progress, and you can help make it what it needs to be..

George B.





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8 Responses to The Chinese Engine Parts Connection (Lee and David)

  1. Butch Cherrington says:

    I read Quinn’s report over on the engine page and it sounds like his deal with them was as easy as falling down. I have a small stash of engines from R165 up to 1115 that are used only semi-seriously but sure is nice to know I can get a few parts that I need. Hopefully they will be setting up a website? There are lots of people that own the engines, gen sets and pumps that are not enthusiasts, just casual users.

    • Quinn Farnes says:

      George, I don’t pretend to be a “great DIYer,” I just like to tinker.
      I posted an announcement on the forum, and I’ll mention here what I did there. Beware the differences in terminology between North America and China. Use the part number and perhaps even take the time to scan an image from the parts diagram and parts list so that there is no misunderstanding. Lee’s english is excellent, but what we call an injection pump can be mistaken for a fuel injector unless you’re clear. The manual calls the injeciton pump an “oil pump,” and it can easily be mistaken for a fuel injector.

      Lee’s not a rep’ for any of the engine companies, and he’s got other irons in the fire, so don’t expect that he’s an expert on every part for every engine made there. Help him out by taking the time to make your request clear up front.

      The old adage, “A .jpg is worth a thousand words” remains true to this day.


      • George B. says:

        Quinn, I say you’re a great DIYer 🙂

        Thanks for the wise words of advice, you are right about Lee, he is a DIYer not an expert on every engine and every part, he’ll do his best, but a pictue of the part and a part number is a lot of help to him.

    • George B. says:

      Hi Butch,

      Thanks for the comment, what ever Lee and David decide to do , they will certainly get my support. This page will become a permanent page and will continue to point the way to contact L&D.

  2. Henry Weatherwax says:

    The Chinese Engine Parts Connection is now linked in the forum.


  3. Russell Furzer says:

    We Aussies reckon that we speak the fair dinkum english not like youse blokes from the (other) land of the free!

    • George B. says:


      We love our Aussie Friends no matter how much better your beer, or worse yer Grammer gets… fact is… most of you are long lost Cousins 🙂

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