Get you EV truck at bargain prices!

Washington State is the mecca of green activity, we have an abundance of green trees, plants, and people.

If it’s Green it’s good, no matter how impractical it may be. 

Here’s some neat little trucks the taxpayers bought, if you are truly green, you’ll have no need to ask why they’re selling them.   Note, this is a fraction of the cost of a Chevy Volt, and you can haul stuff! Imagine attending a Pro Castro rally in this baby!

So… if you’re a young man, and trying to get the attention of that young environmentalist babe, buy an EV Truck.

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4 Responses to Get you EV truck at bargain prices!

  1. bob g says:

    i want one so i can rip out the electrics and put in a nice smelly little diesel! are they street legal, can you tag one?

    • Charles Beiswanger says:

      Thats what I was thinking, a small diesel would be just the thing. They look fairly aerodynamic. Even might be okay as electric for just around town, where I live I could get by with slow moving vehicle sign on back. $10,000 seems a bit high though.

  2. George B. says:

    Charles, it’s less than a quarter of what a Chevy volt Costs, that peanuts to an Environmentalist. Remember.. you’re doing it for the image, not because it’s practical.

  3. home alone 777 says:

    It looks like the little japanese mini truck I started to try to buy at a used car lot about a year ago. That one had an opossed four cyl. gasoline engine, four wheel drive, and a 5 speed trans. Super nice truck. All four sides of the bed let down, and it would carry about 1/2 ton. You could’nt tag it because, it was right hand drive; But still, it sure would have been handy where I live! They said it would top out at 70 mph; I think; A little fast for it’s size. Apparently someone else seen it’s potential; Stayed there about 3 days! I noticed those are left hand drive, so in my state you could tag it. Ah boys; we’re fighting the fatcated big gov. Since they’ve made that thing electric; And like it or not, thats coming; Does’nt look like a half bad deal; At least it’s got a bed like the other one I seen. When they start slapping those fines down; It might look a lot better!

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