Christmas Valley Buffalo Ranch

The Lister 6/1 proves itself off the grid!

If you want water here, there’s plenty, just go down about 100 feet to find it. The ground is sandy and perks well. Not too far down the road was a good clay pit, and a pond was made and lined with a fine clay. After the well was dug, a 3 wire, 1hp,  220 volt submersible pump was fitted, the owner used a gas generator to run the submersible pump at a little less than a gallon an hour, it was really getting into his wallet!

Along comes Bob R. with the story about the rugged and legendary Lister CS 6/1 diesel.

Here’s Rick setting up the Lisgen6/1 with the Allmand drive.  Notice the killer radiator on the wall, and notice how the hoses run upwards for the best in cooling and promoting a good thermal flow, oops! that lower hose dips look out!

The Lister 6/1 was pumping a solid 15 days in 24/7 mode, and averaged exactly 3 gallons of fuel a day! This makes pretty reasonable off grid power, and if you follow Mac McQuaid’s lead and burn waste veggie, you’ll be making some BTUs at a far more reasonable cost.

Thanks for sharing the pictures with us, Bob!  I put all all the pictures sent to me on the Utterpower CD and we’ll try and get the rest of the story on there, too.

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