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Compressed Air Energy Storage
In todays world, so many professional and non professional people seem to be impressed most by technology that either doesn’t exist, or technology that clearly hasn’t proven a return on investment. There’s a lot of money being made by producing products and installing equipment that will never provide a return on investment, at the heart of those efforts are government subsidies paid for out of our pockets. Now that we all understand that Ethanol production is a boon doggle the tax payers are paying for, watch your elected officials do all they can to protect it, it’s part of the Good Ole Boy program, and even if it helps lead to our demise as a country, they’ll attempt to keep the program going. I bet PowerSouth didn’t get a dime in subsidies to build their CAES unit, they likey did it for old fashion American reasons, “it’ll actually pay for itself” and help sustain real jobs that pay real wages in the areas PowerSouth serves. Continue reading