Kitchen Aid Pro 12

We had a really good coffee pot, it made great coffee; but it was getting older and didn’t look shiny and new anymore. One morning I walked in and found this Kitchen Aid Pro 12. It has an advanced display that tells you how long it’s been since the coffee was brewed, the wife loves this feature because I can no longer lie to her about when I made it. If the telltale says it was made 1 1/2 hours ago; it gets dumped when she makes her way into the kitchen.

Having a Coffee Pot RAT on you is not the problem, having a coffee pot that has a defective valve on it is. Sharon took the first one back to the store for a replacement, but the second one isn’t any better.

Kitchen Aid Pro 12

This coffee pot works like it was designed to spill or drip coffee from both the basket and the coffee pot itself! One problem is the connection between the glass pot and the piece of plastic that forms the rim and handle. As amazing as it seems, the rim is designed with small ribs that create a small air space between the glass pot and the rim. This routes the coffee between the rim and glass; down the outside of the pot as effectively as if the designers intended it to work that way. If they had a product test team, I hope they hunt them down and shoot them all.

So here’s my thought….. if you hate your father-in-law, buy one of these for your mother-in-law for Christmas. She’ll be telling him to wipe off the kitchen counter and be asking him to chase spills all over the house till they both get smart and throw the dammed thing away.

I’m left wondering…whose coffee pot do they have in the boardroom of Kitchen Aid? I bet it isn’t a Kitchen Aid Pro12.

Follow up (honest to goodness truth) 6/05

Sharon had filled out the warranty slip, and we received a notice that this unit is also a suspected fire hazard! Sharon filled out a simple form, cut the cord off the unit an mailed it to them in exchange for money to buy a new coffee pot! Sharon selected a Mr. Coffee, of course she found one with the timer feature that tells her how long ago it was brewed. I’m still reaching for the rag to wipe up anticipated spills, but there are none! Might take me a year to break the habit…

As for the product design team? Total losers, they probably all drank soda pop for breakfast.

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