It was a wash out

I remember the first time I saw that new ATM at the Boeing Credit Union, I hated it!

Soon I learned how cool it was, you can deposit a hand full of checks and it will print you a deposit receipt with all the check images on it! AS you can imagine, this greatly simplifies things for a hobby business, and gives you one more chance to catch accounting errors and correct the ledger if you have something wrong.

We were headed out to dinner the other night, and I’ve gotten into the habit of putting a few checks in the breast pocket of my jacket so I don’t forget to deposit them. I added a $20 check to the pocket from Mace P. who bought a CD, and out the door we went.

At the end of dinner, I looked across the table at my Wife and said, “we need to go across the parking so I can deposit these checks”, I reached in and pulled out Mace’s check, and dug a little deeper to grab hold of a big ball of fuzzy paper, I looked at it closely and started pulling it apart, inside were little bits of recognizable print, part of a routing number here, and part of a bank name there, but for the most part, it was bleached out and reminded me a lot of a Kleenex I once left in a pocket.

We sat together silent for a moment, I had left the stuff in my pocket for about three days, my wife decided it (the jacket) needed washing.

More than $200, and less than $300 I think.. There will be at least one person out there wondering…. Why didn’t he cash my check?

Yes… I’ve had time to think about this…next time they’ll be in my wallet..  later that eve.. my wife looks over and says “sorry for washing your checks.” I thanked her for washing my jacket and told her… “you know that washing machine you picked out does a heck of a fine job”




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2 Responses to It was a wash out

  1. Dana says:

    And you’re sorry for burning her tree that one year, right? Am I right?

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