Dr. Ileana Johnson

Dr. Ileana Johnson

Are you tired of the quote I share from Henery David Thoreau yet?    “He who is only a Traveler learns things at second hand and by the halves, and is poor authority.”

As we sit by and watch about half of all Americans go gullible for Green Energy Swindles, we might ask if this is anything new? I say no, it’s just the same old game played in a different pond.

If you haven’t read any of  Dr. Johnson’s writings, I suggest you do, She knows what our future holds unless we change our course.  She, her Family, her Friends, and her Countrymen have seen it all play out in the past.  You see, She’s no traveler, she’s not just passing thru, she’s spent a lot of time at the pond’s edge, and in the woods; same as Thoreau did.  She’s a careful observer, she knows what the sky looks like when thunder clouds form, and what it brings.  

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, ( Romanian Conservative) ( Romanian Conservative) is a freelance writer (Canada Free Press, Romanian Conservative, usactionnews.com), author, radio commentator (Silvio Canto Jr. Blogtalk Radio, Butler on Business WAFS 1190, and Republic Broadcasting Network), and speaker. Her book, “Echoes of Communism, is available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Short essays describe health care, education, poverty, religion, social engineering, and confiscation of property. A second book, “Liberty on Life Support,” is also available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Her commentaries reflect American Exceptionalism, the economy, immigration, and education.Visit her website, ileanajohnson.com.

Here’s a few links to get you started.  Thanks Doctor Johnson for all you do to share your

critical message..




And PODcasts!






A recent message from Ileana, and news of a book you can get at Amazon.


If you go to ileanajohnson.com, click on Canada Free Press archives link, there is over a year’s worth of articles, many on energy and UN Agenda 21. My blog had a gap because I was only posting at Canada Free Press, writing books, and being on radio at least two hours a week. I just recently started to post on my blog again. Check out my new book, Liberty on Life Support, at Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle. Third book coming out soon on UN Agenda 21.


Ileana might  the best reason to  buy a kindle..


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5 Responses to Dr. Ileana Johnson

  1. Nate says:

    Wow, what a great link!

  2. bob g says:

    i only met one man from romania, an interesting fellow that escaped the iron curtain back in ’67 with a change of clothes and two sandwiches prepared by his mother and sister. next stop ohare!

    he related the culture shock as moving forward in time about 50 years in the time it took to fly across the pond on a 747.

    from him i learned much about what we have to be thankful for, i never met a man so excited about being an american citizen.

    i will always remember him.

    bob g

  3. ILEANA says:

    Thank you, George B. for the nice article.
    Bob, I was exactly like the man you described. I was at the airport in 1978, without a dime in my pocket but was glad to be free. I describe the experience in my first book, “Echoes of Communism,” which I wrote to dispell the romantic and utopian view of communism that American adults and children are exposed to by MSM, Hollywood, schools, and universities. It is available at Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle. Every 90 days, Amazon allows free downloads of books, including mine, on Kindle.
    Socialism and communism are utter distopia.
    You can find a link to all my past and present articles at ileanajohnson.com. I write at least three op-ed articles a week for Canada Free Press. I am also working on book number three on UN Agenda 21 which includes all the research I have done on Smart Meters, “green” energy, solar companies, Smart Grid, and executive orders involving energy. I broke many stories on energy developments this past year.

    • George B. says:

      Doctor Johnson,
      We are mostly ‘hands on’ types here, and it is one reasons I have respect for you and your views. I encourage my visitors to visit your site, and read what you have published.

      Your interest in Agenda 21….. I’d like to mention current events and the fact that a totally inept United Nations sits on the side lines as innocent people in Syria are tortured, raped, and killed. The UN professes to have ‘God Like’ wisdom, but time after time…. they fail to resolve problems. As this all goes on, they put effort into pushing Agenda 21 further, and professing they are ready to run the world if only we surrender our freedom and wealth to them.

      Amazing anyone listens to them at all….


  4. bob g says:


    i did not relate the details of mr. Czgoldi in my first post, suffice it to say he had to make a decision that might have ended in his death.

    he wanted out of romania so badly that he befriended a boarder guard, and over the course of about a year he would take the man fishing, and do all sorts of other stuff for and with him to gain his trust and friendship. finally after about 10 months he asked the man how the a section of fence was maintained. apparently it was shutdown in sections every 2 weeks to clean animals off and service as needed that section. another couple of months he worked up enough nerve to ask the schedule of a particular section he wanted to use. he then kissed his momma and sister goodbye, and waited till the 1:00am time where the fence section would be shut down for 1 hour, and prayed. when the time came he told me all he could think of was “i hope my friend is truly my friend, otherwise i will be electrocuted” and over the fence he went. i have often thought, would i have had the nerve to do the same? he went on to tell me that he was next sent to england, (i don’t remember which country he escaped into first, but was sent to england) their he was asked whether he wanted to go to australia or the usa. he told me that he knew nothing of australia, and only knew of the usa from what he had seen in one old LIFE magazine that a friend had traded for back in romania, so “send me to USA” and next stop “ohare” airport.

    looking back i wish i had taken more time to get to know Mario Czgoldi. a very interesting man that loves the USA.

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